About the WSVPMPD
The White Salmon Valley Pool Metropolitan Park District was created by a vote of the people in 2018. The passage of Proposition 1 both created & funded the district, giving the park district board the authority to build, operate & maintain a community pool.
The park district encompasses the cities and communities of White Salmon, Bingen, BZ Corner, Husum, & Snowden. The borders of the park district includes all of the White Salmon Valley School District that is within Klickitat County.
Click here to read the park district’s 6-year comprehensive plan.
Click here for park district FAQs.
The District is governed by a five-member board of commissioners elected by all qualified voters residing within the District boundaries. Each term of office is six years and the terms are staggered with one or two positions up for election every two years. The commissioners, as representatives of the community, set policy, determine the direction of The District and ensure that public funds are spent in a responsible manner.
The White Salmon Pool Metropolitan Park District is a municipal corporation with all the authorized powers provided in chapter 35.61 RCW. The District’s primary role is to construct, operate, and maintain a new pool . The District has been granted the authority to levy an annual tax on all taxable property within the District’s geographical boundaries which coincide with broadly with the White Salmon Valley School District boundaries (excepting the portion in Skamania County) The District’s current 2020 tax rate is a approximately $.DOUBLECHECK per $1,000 assessed valuation. The District ensures public funds are spent in a responsible manner to construct, operate, and maintain a new pool for the White Salmon Valley community.
All administration for the District is currently handled by the all volunteer, elected board.
Because this is an all volunteer, elected board we will respond to any and all emails as quickly as possible or within 5 business days - whichever comes first!
Direct email: district@whitesalmonvalleypool.org
Comments/questions: click here
Public comment for meetings during Covid-19: click here
Public Records
The White Salmon Valley Pool Metropolitan Park District supports open government. The District is committed to full disclosure of all non-exempt public records held by the District upon request and works to align with both the letter and the spirit of the Washington State Public Records Act, RCW Chapter 42.56.
Public Records Request Procedure
The WSVPMPD has adopted a Public Records Policy and Procedure which is available here.
The WSVPMPD does not maintain an index of public records.
To make a public records request, the following options are available:
Fill out this online form
Download and fill out this form and either
Send via standard mail to (address)
ORSend via email to (address)
Within five business days after the receipt of a request, the District public records officer will do one or more of the following:
Provide requested records via email.
If printed copies are requested, both copy and mailing fees will be required. See the Public Records Policy and Procedure document for fees.
The District will bill for costs incurred for copying & mailing, as well as employee time for these specific tasks. Research time is not billable.
Acknowledge the receipt of request and provide a reasonable estimate of when requested records will be available.
Seek clarification of unclear requests.
Deny the request and cite the legal exemptions.
About the Board
The five member White Salmon Valley Pool Metropolitan Park District board includes 4 elected (Lloyd, Ben, Troy, & Karen) and one appointed member (Lily). To contact a specific board member, click their name below. To contact the WSVPMPD board as a whole, click here.
WSVPMPD regular board meetings are the 2nd Thursday of every month at the White Salmon Fire Station. Visit the Events page for more information about special meetings,
For additional information about the board visit the FAQ page.
Commissioner #1
Board President
Commissioner #2
Board Clerk
Commissioner #3
Vice President
Commissioner #4
Commissioner #5
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