Is there an operating budget for the pool?
Yes - the District has created a preliminary pool operating budget - created in March 2022 - based on information from other like-sized pools & districts. You can view the preliminary budget here.
The Park District is currently supported by a levy, passed in 2018, with the express mission to 'construct, operate, and maintain a new pool'. The exact levy language can be viewed here and information about the funding for the pool can be reviewed here. This budget is based on City of White Salmon pool operations historical data, as well as non-pandemic budgets from other regional community pools - most (if not all) of which are supported by a combination of program/admissions revenues as well as direct funding through either a tax levy or other public support to operate. Note that these preliminary budget numbers, both revenues & expenditures, are conservative projections at this time. Our comprehensive plan lays out the District's commitment to using public funds in a transparent and fiscally responsible manner - you can review our comprehensive plan here: .
Snapshot of total income, expenditures - full document available here.