White Salmon Valley Pool

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Anonymous Donation!

We are super excited to announce an anonymous donation to the capital project to build the White Salmon Valley Pool! A pool supporter has donated $250,000!

RCO Grant Updates

Community Outdoor Athletic Facilities

The District is thrilled to announce that we are the recipient of a partially funded award from the Washington State Recreation & Conservation Organization Community Outdoor Athletic Facilities (COAF) grant!

The White Salmon Valley Pool MPD was ranked 3rd in the Southeast region and we were awarded $932,838.00.

The RCO has advised us that they will be seeking additional funding for the COAF and, if that comes to fruition, we may end up receiving additional funding or perhaps even be fully funded at $1.2M.

We expect to hear more from the RCO at the end of the Washington State Legislative session in May of 2025 and will provide a status update as soon as we know more/anything!

Youth Athletic Facilities

The District ranked #7 out of 44 projects submitted for the Youth Athletic Facilities (YAF) grant. Per our RCO contact, the YAF is one of the most challenging programs to predict the funding line. At the requested funding level, all YAF Small projects would be funded, and the estimate is that projects #1 through #26 in the YAF large program would receive funding. Like the COAF, we won’t know until after the 2025 Washington State Legislative session if or at what level we will be funded. We are super proud of our ranking in this very competitive grant opportunity and have our fingers crossed that the Legislature will fully fund the RCO YAF request. Feel free to contact your legislators to let them know that funding the YAF and the White Salmon Valley Pool is a community priority! Find your legislators here: https://app.leg.wa.gov/districtfinder/displaydistrict/17

Land and Water Conservation Fund

The District tied for 8th in the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) grant awards, which is currently outside the funding range. Because the LWCF is a Federally administered grant, there are many more requirements and hoops to jump through. If for some reason any higher-ranked applicants are not able to fulfill the requirements, the District might move up in the rankings. We’ll keep everyone posted if something changes.