White Salmon Valley Pool

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We want you! Commissioner Position Open

Do you want to have a key role in making the best decisions for our community’s future White Salmon Valley Pool?  The Board of White Salmon Valley Pool Metro Park District will soon have an opening for Commissioner #1.  Letters of interest will be accepted through Wednesday, January 12, 2022, with the goal of approving an appointment at the Park District’s regular January meeting. The term will expire in 2028, but the commissioner will need to file for election in 2022. A candidate must reside within the White Salmon Valley Pool MPD area (the Klickitat County portion of the White Salmon Valley School District).

The ideal candidate will have:

  • A strong commitment to providing a pool for the White Salmon Valley area

  • Open-minded decision making

  • A positive, “can-do” attitude

  • Time and commitment to contribute

  • Persistence in the face of setbacks!

Please send your letter of interest by January 12, 2022, and include:

  • Explanation of your personal qualifications and reasons for interest

  • Professional experience

  • Community service

  • Please be sure to include your email and phone number.

Please send to:  Lily von Mosch lily.vonmosch@whitesalmonvalleypool.org

To stay informed about Park District developments, please check the “Friends of White Salmon Pool” facebook page and the website:  www.whitesalmonvalleypool.org