Hey Pool Enthusiasts!

🌊 Dive into action! Join the 17th District lawmakers for a virtual town hall tomorrow, Thursday, March 13, from 6:30 - 7:30 PM to support the pool replacement effort!

The White Salmon Valley Pool Metro Park District has a crucial Local and Community Project (LCP) request for the 2025 Washington State budget, sponsored by Senator Harris & Representative Waters.

The District has requested $1,392,473 to support β€˜Phase 1’ of the pool project: demolition, site preparation, and construction of a shared parking area for the Pool District and the White Salmon Valley School District. The expansion will include additional parking spaces, new sidewalks, enhanced lighting, and upgraded utilities and drainage systems. This funding is crucial for creating a better and more accessible community space. Let’s make this vision a reality! πŸ’ͺ

🌊 Your support can make waves! 🌟 Show up, voice your support for the LCP request, and help the pool project gain the visibility and funding it deserves. Let's make a splash together! πŸ’¦ #SupportThePool #CommunityPower #makeawave

Those who wish to participate in the meeting must register for the event online at https://tinyurl.com/TownHallLD17

Project Information & Updates

What is the project: The White Salmon Valley Pool capital project seeks to replace the decommissioned pool to serve 13k+ residents of the White Salmon Valley. The new facility consists of an 8-lane x 25 yd pool, mechanical, changing rooms, office space and parking.

Updates: The District has been awarded $932,838 from the Washington State Recreation Conservation Organization (RCO) Community Outdoor Athletic Facilities grant. We are also in funding range for the RCO Youth Athletic Facilities grant, with final decisions expected at the end of the 2025 Washington State Legislative Session. Additionally, we received an anonymous $250,000 donation in December 2024. Our collective public and private donations, monetary pledges, and in-kind contributions are steadily increasing. Thank you to all our supporters!

Harris, R-Vancouver, serves as the ranking Republican on the Senate Early Learning and K-12 Education Committee, and is on the Environment, Energy, and Technology; Health and Long-Term Care; and Transportation committees.

Waters, R-Stevenson, is the ranking Republican on the House State Government and Tribal Relations Committee, and serves on the Capital Budget, Technology, Economic Development and Veterans, and Rules committee.

Stuebe, R-Washougal, is the assistant ranking Republican on the House Local Government Committee, and serves on the Health Care and Wellness, Environment and Energy, and Transportation committees.


2024 District Report