Thanks to all of the community members that joined our special meeting last night. We had a great presentation from our GC/CM representative Kirby Nagelhout Construction, our project management team PlanB Consultancy International LLC , and our architect ALSC Architects.

The presentation is available on the District's website - https://whitesalmonvalleypool.org.

We heard about how ALSC came to their recommended site design, including review of existing conditions, site views (both into & out from the pool site) and potential building layout.

The end result is that the board has unanimously voted for the L-Shape based on ALSC's recommendations.

The District was gratified to see how closely the current design aligns to what had originally been envisioned based on community input and to see that all of the hard work put in by our community over the years has helped speed up this process. Shout out to Pres Lloyd DeKay specifically for his hard work on the prelim designs & fly through!

Quote from big pool supporter and former board member Karen Skiles: "It's gratifying to see that all of the hours we've put in to this since the district was formed in 2019 have paid off. It's nice to see that preliminary work was on the right track. I like the L-shape design, the flow, and use of space. I'm very excited!"


ICE Generously Provides a $500,000 Challenge Grant for White Salmon Pool to Inspire Community Donors


2020 Video - Thanks!