Our White Salmon Valley Pool Metropolitan Park District has been active since January 2019, and in that time the elected board has been able to establish the new park district while making substantial progress toward creating a new pool facility. We have negotiated a choice site and developed a solid schematic design (see here for details), and are now focusing on the fundraising needed for the anticipated $5.13 million construction cost and the pre-planning required for the build of the new pool facility project.
District Achievements:
Funded the district for 2019 – Secured a $50,000 grant from Klickitat County after learning that voter-approved property taxes would not be collected during 2019.
Set up the district – Legal and financial services, insurance, county interface, and operational policies for the newly-formed “municipal corporation.”
Funded the district for 2020 – All paperwork and conditions have been met for receiving property tax funding during 2020.
Held 38 public meetings during 2019 for district administration and Pool Project planning.
Pool Site Selection – Considered several potential sites and evaluated White Salmon Valley School District Middle School and Whitson sites before finally choosing the Middle School site based on its many advantages..
Received Conditional Use Permit approval from Klickitat County for construction of a pool facility at the Middle School Site.
Negotiated 50 year Lease Agreement with White Salmon Valley School District for construction and operation of a pool facility on the Middle School Site.
Decided on pool features and programs after reviewing past studies done by City of White Salmon and MAPARD and receiving input from other area pools.
Developed a conceptual plan and achieved Board consensus for a pool facility with a multi-lane/25-yard recreational pool, warmer teaching/therapy pool, and shallow wading pool, as well as bathhouse with locker rooms and gender-specific & private changing rooms, office, community meeting/party room, and mechanical room.
Contracted with PlanB Consultancy, a highly-regarded project management (PM) firm, to help manage the architectural design, permitting and construction phases of the project.
Evaluated and chose an Architectural and Engineering (A&E) team from 13 applicants, to refine our conceptual plan through final design.
Received approval from the Washington State Capital Projects Advisory Review Board to use the General Contractor/Construction Manager (GC/CM) protocol to work with the architectural team.
Evaluated and chose Kirby-Nagelhout Construction as the general contractor for pre-construction planning.
Received a $500,000 Community Challenge Donation pledge from Steve and Diane Maier on behalf of Integrated Composite Engineering.
Received a $250,000 anonymous donation
Received a $300,000+ in-kind pledge of excavation and concrete from IV Riley Materials and Rapid ReadyMix.
Submitted 2024 Washington State Recreation Conservation Organization grant applications for
the Community Outdoor Athletic Facilities Grant (COAF) - requested $1.2 MM and was awarded ~933K
the Youth Athletic Facilities Grant (YAF) - requested $1.5 MM and currently ranked 7th of 29 projects. Funding amounts will be announced in May of 2025
the Land & Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) - requested $2 MM and currently ranked (tied) for 8th. This is a federal pass through grant and unless another project is unable to fulfill the obligations, the District is unlikely to be in funding range.
Completed development and construction design plans.
Submitted for our Conditional Use Permit (CUP) and State Health Dept. permits in March of 2024
We are on our way to our $7.2 million construction goal. If you or a group you’re affiliated with would like a project and fundraising update, please contact us at Hello@WhiteSalmonValleyPool.org
What’s next?
The ground breaking and building phase depends heavily on having secured construction funding by that time, so the board is also focusing on a fundraising effort to ensure that the pool can be built as soon as possible.
If you are interested in donating, volunteering, or generally supporting the White Salmon Valley Pool project, click here.