The 2024 Summer Season Swim Pass Requests Are Now CLOSED!
Thanks for a great summer swim season!
Residents of the City of Bingen, City of White Salmon, & White Salmon Valley Pool Metro Park District can sign up for access to the Hood River Aquatic Center.
If you are a resident of either the City of Bingen or City of White Salmon, please sign up using those resources. For people who are outside the city limits, but in-district for the WSVPMPD, sign up using the button below.
If you signed up in the past, you will need to re-sign up for 2024 - the list starts fresh each summer season.
Once your information has been entered it may take the Hood River Aquatic Center a day or two to process the request - requests are processed on Wednesdays & Fridays.
White Salmon Valley Pool MPD
The White Salmon Valley Pool MPD Summer Swim Pass program opens on June 1st and ends on September 30th.
Who should sign up through the White Salmon Valley Pool MPD?
People who:
Live outside of the City limits of Bingen or White Salmon
ANDLive inside of the White Salmon Valley School District boundaries that are within Klickitat County.
What about if I live in the City of Bingen or White Salmon?
For the 11th year in a row - City of Bingen is doing their free swim pass program for Bingen residents!
Bingen residents can sign up by
1. calling Bingen City Hall at 509-493-2122
2. signing up via this form https://www.bingenwashington.org/how-do-i/learn-about/webforms/swim-free-hood-river-aquatic-center
3. visiting City Hall in person at 112 Ash St in Bingen
4. or emailing cityhall@bingenwashington.org
We can't wait til the new White Salmon Valley Pool Metro Park District can begin partnering with the City of Bingen on this program!
City of Bingen Newsletter: https://2a2976fc-dedc-4e04-ae43-a39f8bd7e834.filesusr.com/ugd/aa480c_f2820670ccfb44989d70e66d98a53157.pdf
The City of White Salmon is providing free access to the Hood River Pool for its residents that live within the city limits.
Sign up at city hall at 100 N. Main or by sending an email to the City at utilityclerk@ci.white-salmon.wa.us.
NOTE: You must bring identification with you to sign up for the access. Do not send children to sign up for free access. Once you have registered, information will be sent to the Hood River Pool, and they will create an account for you noting that you have free access via the City.
You will need to check the Hood River Pool website https://hoodriverparksandrec.org/pool-schedule for information on procedures for pool access - depending on current events users may need to sign up for a scheduled swim slot.
Big thanks to the City of White Salmon for continuing this project while the White Salmon Valley Pool Metro Park District continues to work to bring our community pool to fruition! Check out https://whitesalmonvalleypool.org for info & progress reports!
La ciudad de White Salmon ofrece acceso gratuito a la piscina de Hood River para los residentes que viven dentro de los límites de la ciudad. Puede inscribirse en el ayuntamiento en 100 N. Main o enviando un correo electrónico a la ciudad a utilityclerk@ci.white-salmon.wa.us.