
About the WSVPMPD

The White Salmon Valley Pool Metropolitan Park District was created by a vote of the people in 2018. The passage of Proposition 1 both created & funded the district, giving the park district board the authority to build, operate & maintain a community pool.

The park district encompasses the cities and communities of White Salmon, Bingen, BZ Corner, Husum, & Snowden. The borders of the park district includes all of the White Salmon Valley School District that is within Klickitat County.

Click here to read the park district’s 6-year comprehensive plan.

Click here for park district FAQs.



Our White Salmon Valley Pool Metropolitan Park District has been active for about one year, but in that time the Park District has been able to establish the new park district while making substantial progress toward creating a new pool facility.

The Park District Commission and their dedicated team of volunteers are focusing on facilitating the ultimate pool design and working on the development plan that will help us get the new pool built!



We have negotiated a lease with the White Salmon Valley School District for a choice site adjacent to Henkle Middle School and we’ve developed a solid schematic design that encompasses the years of public input, is respectful of the site & the needs of the community.

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From planning, to fundraising, to building to swimming - working toward a pool for the people.


We work for you; feel free to contact us with any questions or feedback using the form to your right.

Want to know more about the WSVPMPD board? Click here.